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      <journal-id journal-id-type="publisher">JOHS</journal-id>
      <journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">Journ of Health Scien</journal-id>
        <journal-title>Journal of HealthCare Sciences</journal-title>
        <abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="pubmed">Journ of Health Scien</abbrev-journal-title>
      <issn pub-type="ppub">2231-2196</issn>
      <issn pub-type="opub">0975-5241</issn>
        <publisher-name>Radiance Research Academy</publisher-name>
      <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">127</article-id>
      <article-id pub-id-type="doi">http://dx.doi.org/10.52533/JOHS.2022.21205 </article-id>
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        <article-title>Differences Between Laser Doppler Flowmetry and Pulse Oximetry in Endodontics&#13;
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        <copyright-statement>This article is copyright of Popeye Publishing, 2009</copyright-statement>
        <license license-type="open-access" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
          <license-p>This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) Licence. You may share and adapt the material, but must give appropriate credit to the source, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made.</license-p>
        <p>An essential diagnostic step in the practice of dentistry is the evaluation of pulp vitality. In particular after traumatic accidents, the results of a pulp vitality test are critical for tracking the health of tooth pulp. The innervation is a factor in the classic pulp testing techniques like thermal and electrical, which frequently produce misleading positive and negative results. Pulp vitality suggests that there is a blood flow in the tissues. The most recent pulp testing tools, some of which are still in the research and development stage, locate the pulp__ampersandsign#39;s blood supply and are thought to be more precise and non-invasive. Pulse oximetry and laser Doppler flowmetry have recently been used in assessments of pulpal circulation.  The fundamental tenet of pulse oximetry is that arterial blood alone exhibits pulsatile absorbance between the light source and the photo detector. Laser doppler flowmetry is a semi-quantitative recording of pulpal blood flow made possible by the non-invasive, painless electro optical technology. Even in the microvasculature__ampersandsign#39;s incredibly tiny blood arteries, blood flow can be measured. Pulse oximetry is helpful in impact injury situations where the blood supply is unharmed, but the nerve supply has been compromised. Widespread clinical use of smaller and less expensive commercial oximeters is now possible in a typical dental office. The disadvantages include the lack of differentiation in background absorption related to venous blood and tissue elements. LDF is helpful for early childhood where responses are unreliable, and because it is non-intrusive, it encourages patient tolerance and cooperation. However, for usage in a dental practice, it is regarded as being too costly of a technology. Additionally, blood pigments in a stained dental crown may obstruct the transmission of laser light. Both techniques provide an objective evaluation of the state of the pulpal blood circulation.&#13;
        <kwd>pulse oximetry</kwd>
        <kwd> laser Doppler flowmetry</kwd>
        <kwd> endodontic diagnosis</kwd>
        <kwd> pulp vitality</kwd>
        <kwd> trauma</kwd>